Tag: fluoride

  • Importance of Water for Your Skin and Lymphatic System

    Importance of Water for Your Skin and Lymphatic System

    In this post I am going to explain the lymphatic system pertaining to your skin and the effects of water hydration on your internal skin. I will also explain certain key ingredients found in water such as fluoride and why it is not so good for the physical body. I have some suggestions for your water and how to store it and  I will be recommending some products and brands for filtering your water systems and why it is so important to have clean water.  Note I have partnered with a great water filtration brand that filters fluoride and there will be some affiliate links in this post.


    Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate!!!  That is what we always hear but not everyone wants to drink 8 glasses of water a day.  Why?  Because we do not want to have to use the restroom how many times a day?  For me personally I have gotten my water consumption down to a science for my body meaning I know how much to drink and around what times I will be close to a restroom. Even if I have to work I will get my water consumption in because my physical health and skin are way more important than a job that may not want me using the restroom.  I always try to drink the most water for my day when I am at home or earlier in the day so I do not have to wake at night to go to the bathroom all night.  I also noticed a water bottle or glass that is around 24 ounces makes it easier to do your 64 ounces a day.  Its just 3 water bottles to consume a day. Suggested bottle with a filter built in https://clearlyfiltered.com/products/24oz-tritan-bottle?variant=2129349214297

    The Visuals

    As far as the lymphatic system and how water works as a filter for the body I will explain in a facial type of way.  When I am giving a facial to  someone a visual of lymph I always explain,  you know if you pop a pimple and you get the pus out and then there is a little bleeding and you can see a clear fluid?  That clear fluid is your lymph.  It acts as a filter for the whole body and is constantly flowing through the body getting out all the toxins.  Your lymph travels through your lymph nodes which you mainly can find anywhere in the body that bends or moves.  Examples would be your neck, armpits, elbows, wrist, hip or groin area, knees and ankles.  All the movement and motion of these parts of the body are helping stagnant lymph to move throughout the body.  (Hence why I stress exercise and especially stretching such as yoga or pilates to keep lymph moving.)  Drinking water also helps to get this lymph moving as well.

    Another visual for your lymph nourishing your skin from the inside out.  I have given different types of facials and my favorite machine facial is the Hydrafacial.  If you ever get a chance to experience a Hydrafacial I would strongly recommend it.  The Hydrafacial machine includes a lymphatic stimulation and also finishes with LED lights.  I am always explaining how lymph is flowing behind your skin and if you can imagine that clear fluid right behind the skin on your face and if you stimulate it your face will look more plump.  It is the same if you do a European facial with a manual massage.  Sometimes I would be asked, “what does the facial massage do?”  Essentially wake up the lymph fluid right behind the facial skin and give you a nice plump look while also draining any stagnant lymph down into your neck nodes and filtering throughout the body to release any toxins.  When you use an LED light designed for the face or skin it does the same thing as the light is penetrating a few layers deep and that lymph fluid is getting stimulated again.

    Now I’m going to give you another visual. This time lets visualize the pores on your skin.  The easiest way to explain it is to compare your skin to the tight cellulose sponge you would find in your kitchen.  What happens if you do not wash dishes and you do not use your sponge for a day?  The sponge will be dry and tight.  What happens immediately when you ad water to the sponge to wash the dishes?  The sponge will plump up and look like a real sponge again.  The same idea is with your skin when it is dehydrated and when you have water.  Also use this visual of the tight little pores or holes on the sponge to think of absorption.  If you rub a lotion on your body and it is full of chemicals?  All those chemicals are going into your skin and into your body within minutes.  Now if the product is not natural or full of filler than a lot of times the body cannot fully absorb unnatural ingredients and that cream can sit on your skin.  Imagine a sponge with soap goop on it that will not rinse off.  The texture and quality of the sponge ages fast.  I’m just trying to explain this visual so that you can see how important it is to realize that your skin literally absorbs everything that touches it.  (Even your clothing materials, which I’ll touch in another post)


    The Chemicals

    There are two things I wanted to touch on in this post.  First water with your skin externally and internally and how it affects your skin and second what chemicals are in water and the effect those chemicals have on the skin and hair. I think I covered the first part with my visuals so lets move on to the second part, the chemicals in the water.  I had already wrote about how water affects your skin and so many municipalities put chlorine and fluoride in water not to mention other chemicals.

    Lets first talk about absorption of these chemicals and how it can affect your skin.  There are two main chemicals put into the water system that are not good for the body.  The two main culprits are fluoride and chlorine.  Fluoride as we have been taught is supposed to strengthen your teeth. Maybe in your toothpaste as that is “supposed” to be medical grade but in the public water supply their using an untreated industrial waste product.  In a nutshell the history of how fluoride came into our water systems was back in the Industrial Revolution.  The cows around the factories were developing cancer.  A Belgium scientist discovered the cause was fluoride gases and phosphates which were a by product of fertilizer.  Once this was discovered said companies would be hit with a hefty bill to properly dispose of fluorosilicic acid.  They figured out how to reuse said by product into the water supply by claiming the fluoride strengthened teeth.  To be allowed they had to do independent studies to prove how good fluoride was for your teeth.  They did the studies on children’s teeth.  Meaning baby teeth that will eventually come out so explain how effective that study was?  That is my nutshell definition on the history of fluoridating the water supply.  If you want more info here is an article link https://origins.osu.edu/article/toxic-treatment-fluorides-transformation-industrial-waste-public-health-miracle

    Another chemical in the water supply that I’m not a fan of is chlorine.  Yes it is put into the water to remove diseases and bacteria but there is a more natural alternative that can be used called chloramine.  Chloramine is a combination of chlorine and ammonia and creates a more natural molecule used in the water distribution systems and is less likely to cause physical harm to the human body. Chlorine on the skin to me is so drying.  I have stopped going into chlorinated swimming pools as I can imagine all the pores of my skin absorbing these heavy amounts of chlorine and my skin is always so dry when I get out of the pool.  Its not worth it I would rather be in nature or a saltwater pool.


    Lets talk about bathing.  Can be a shower or a bath.  I have learned through the years because I have lived in some heavily chlorinated areas that a shower filter is necessary.  What happens if there are heavy amounts of chlorine in your water?  The main symptom you will see is that your skin is more ashen or dry and your hair will usually be more dry.  No amount of product or hydrating shampoo can help that hair. Take note when you shower and your using hot water that, vapor in the water contains the chemicals of chlorine and fluoride.  Both of the chemicals are strong enough for the body to cause asthma or chest and lung issues.  The best is a shower filter or if you have a filter system in your kitchen sink, I would recommend at least washing your hair and face in the kitchen sink to have filtered water for your hair and face.  Also I’m not sure on the ratio but I’ve read that 1 cup of bentonite clay in the bath tub can cut the harmful effects of chlorine that you would be soaking in. Here is a link from a company that sells good showerhead filters https://aquaspace.com/collections/shower

    So I hope that you are seeing the visual of water on the skin and hydration internally for your skin.  This is why it is so important the water you consume both internally and externally.  Remember your skin is your largest organ and it absorbs everything around you.  Just to give you some tips for clean water consumption:

    • Invest in a good water filtration system
    • Use a shower filter as much as possible
    • You want your water to be in glass (plastics cause chemicals in the water)
    • Try to consume up to 64 ounces of water a day



    I am very happy to recommend this water filtration system as I have been using it personally and the taste of the water is great.  If you start with the water pitcher and the filter system you will need about 3 filters a year. https://clearlyfiltered.com/products/clean-water-pitcher-filter-3-pack?variant=8904616145 Three filters a year is $139.50 divided by 365 equals .38 cents a day.  In one month it is about $11.00 you will spend on your water consumption.

    If your interested in an under the sink filter system I will say with Clearly Filtered it is a very easy installation. https://clearlyfiltered.com/products/3-stage-under-the-sink-filter-unit?variant=7927127112 I have been a renter for many years and since you are able to install this yourself you can take it with you if you move to a new location.  It is highly worth it as the math breaks down to about $40 a month the first year and with a refill goes to $32.00 a month from then on.  This system last for about 12 months in most households.  The initial purchase is $495 for the first year and a refill from the second year is $396.00.  Again $495.00 divided by 365 is  $1.35 a day or $40.00 a month and this is used for your cooking water and you can wash your hair.  I will say this is designed solely for cold water but at least do a cold hair rinse with your conditioner at the end of washing.

    As I mentioned earlier Clearly Filtered also make a portable water bottle with a filter system in the bottle that filters out fluoride.  A great value if you just want to start there it averages about $.30 cents a day if you change the filter every 3 months.  Note that filter replacement will depend on your area and how many chemicals are in the water.  Also have not  included the initial price of the bottle or container in the breakdown.


    I hope this post has given you some insight into the water systems and how their are some not so, human body friendly chemicals, lurking in our water supply systems.  Hopefully you  have a good visual of your skin and lymphatic system and have a better understanding of how these systems work for your body.  Bringing it all together I would say it is very important the water that we consume both on our skin and what we are drinking.  Not all filters are created the same.  Also if you are traveling you can pass an empty water bottle through security and then fill it up.  If you don’t have a water bottle I always suggest buying spring water or local water brands as much as possible as the filtered water from Big Brands are not always the cleanest for the body to consume.  If you have any questions or if you know of any water showerhead brands you love feel free to send me a message through the contact form or comment below.

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