Many things reflect skin health

Enjoy navigating this site to learn the pillars of optimum health for both your skin and your body. All posts are from years of experience and research in my everyday personal life and work. My five steps to healthy skin are………


I would say the most important thing that your skin needs is sleep. If you do not sleep you can look years older. Make sure to get a minimum of 7 hours a night.


Definitely eight glasses of water a day or 64 ounces. Your skin will look more plump. The water will nourish your cells and water helps to flush the lymph through.


Goes without saying that exercise and movement are good for your overall health not just skin but sweating removes those toxins from the body. Not just exercise but also a sauna is great to detox.


The food you consume is very important to skin health. The closer the food comes from nature the better for your skin and overall health.


I always say products are the last on the list of importance to skin health. If you are not eating, exercising, sleeping and drinking water, the best products cannot help your skin.

Sunlight/Fresh Air

Some people forget if you stay in a dark office all .

An array of information

Enjoy this space. Will be posting articles on all things health and wellness, along with skincare and life hacks. Content and knowledge that you can use in your daily life.

Life hacks for health

  • Follow for skincare tips
  • Make your living space more zen
  • Basic life hacks for health

Clean Beauty

  • My thoughts on clean beauty products
  • Suggested beauty products to balance skin
  • Recommendations for skin, hair and nail care products.

“True beauty is always there, from the day we are born.”

Kevyn Aucoin

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